Slightly hidden from the shopping malls and plain sight are red lights districts boasting a far greater number of prostitutes. Who would want a job offering their bodies for another one's pleasure? The answer may be no one, but when there are mouths to feed and parents to please, for many it can often seem like the best option.
Perhaps the better question is who would purchase another person for their own pleasure? Unfortunately, the answer is many, which is why the salary is hard to beat.
One of the women showing Parker how to make a necklace, a task he won't be doing. |
Workers at Samaritan Creations |
Some living arrangements in the slums |
Children's program at the slum church |
Interested in reading more about my daily activities? Check out the link here:
Prayer requests:
- Ask our Father in heaven to bring more women out of prostitution and into a loving relationship with Himself.
- Pray for our time serving in the slums and that the church there would be a light to the community.
- Pray that my team and I would have God's heart while we are here, and for our health and His protection.
Hi Casey! Thanks so much for sharing about your trip. I'm praying for you as you travel. Asking God to continue to empower you to speak boldly, preaching the good news of Jesus and freeing the captives. Thanking God for you and your team!